Note: For faculty whose primary department is not philosophy, the primary department follows the name in parentheses.
History of Philosophy
- Ancient Greek/Greco-Roman: Bett, Dong
- Chinese: Dong
- Medieval: Melamed
- Early Modern: Connolly, Dong, Melamed, Williams, Principe (History of Science and Technology)
- Kant: Allais, Bok, Kraus, Moyar
- German Idealism: Kraus, Melamed, Moyar,
- 19th and 20th Century German: Bett, Kraus, Moyar, Gosetti-Ferencei (Modern Languages and Literatures)
- 20th-Century Analytic: Achinstein, Gross, Williams
Theoretical Philosophy
- Epistemology: Bett, Bledin, Goodman, Holguín, Williams
- Metaphysics: Goodman, Gross, Ismael, Melamed, Rynasiewicz, Taylor
- Philosophy of Mind: Green, Goodman, Gross, Ismael, Kraus, Phillips, Pickard, Taylor, Wonderly, Firestone (Psychological and Brain Sciences)
- Philosophy of Psychological, Cognitive, and Brain Sciences: Green, Gross, Ismael, Phillips, Pickard, Wonderly, Firestone
- Philosophy of Language: Bledin, Goodman, Gross, Holguín, Rynasiewicz, Williams
- History and Philosophy of Science: Achinstein, Carroll, Connolly, Dong, Ismael, Rynasiewicz, Taylor, Principe (History of Science and Technology)
- Philosophy of Physics: Carroll, Ismael, Rynasiewicz
- Logic and Foundations of Mathematics: Bledin, Goodman, Rynasiewicz
Practical Philosophy
- Ethics: Allais, Bett, Bok, Moyar, Pickard, Velleman, Wonderly
- Bioethics: Allais, Bok, Pickard, Velleman, Wonderly, Barnhill (Berman Institute), Merritt (Berman Institute), Rieder (Berman Institute)
- Moral Psychology: Allais, Pickard, Velleman, Wonderly
- Political Philosophy: Bok, Lebron, Melamed, Moyar
- Philosophy of Race: Lebron
- Philosophy of Gender: Taylor