The Department warmly welcomes our new Postdoctoral Fellows Simon Brown and Ian Tully. Simon works on philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and neuroscience. Ian works on ethics and philosophy of […]
Department News Archive
Chris Lebron on Racism and Academia
Chris Lebron writes on racism as a kind of social disease in a New York Times essay. “Three major medical associations recently declared racism and police brutality public health crises,” he […]
Yitzhak Melamed on Spinoza in TLS and Le Monde
Le Monde interviews Yitzhak Melamed on Spinoza here. See also his essay “God-Intoxicated Man,” co-authored with Clare Carlisle of KCL, in the Times Literary Supplement. For information on Melamed and […]
Welcome Michelle Kosch and Theo Korzukhin
The Johns Hopkins Philosophy Department warmly welcomes Michelle Kosch and Theo Korzukhin! Michelle, a leading scholar of post-Kantian European philosophy, joins us as Professor of Philosophy. Theo specializes in philosophy […]
BDP philosophers agree: They’ve got their ‘dream jobs’
Bloomberg Distinguished Professors Hanna Pickard and Ian Phillips were both able to land their dream jobs at Johns Hopkins, but philosophy brought them together as a couple and academics many […]
Graduate Student Publications
Congratulations to Zach Gartenberg and Nikola Andonovski on their recent publications. Zach’s article ‘On the causal role of privation in Thomas Aquinas’s metaphysics’ is forthcoming in the European Journal of […]