For a description of the ways in which the department assists graduate students seeking academic employment, see the final appendix, “Placement,” in the graduate student handbook.

Listed below are recent Ph.D graduates. The positions listed include tenure-track and non-tenure-track positions, as well as positions outside of academia. The years listed are those in which the student graduated, which are not always the same as those of the job placement. Updates are added to the listings, but this is unsystematic, with no pretense of completeness.


  • Hüseyin Güngör
    PhD Thesis: Counterfactuality, Necessity and Possibility in Truthmaker Semantics (Bledin)
    Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton
  • Ryan Ross
    PhD Thesis: Groundless Belief in Conspiracies (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Lecturer at Morgan State University


  • Luce deLire
    PhD Thesis: Spinoza’s Metaphysics of Infinity. (Melamed)
    Current Affiliation: Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at Humboldt University
  • Austin Heath
    PhD Thesis: Pyrrhonian Practice: Pyrrhonian Skepticism as Investigative, Suspensive, and Therapeutic. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the University Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University
  • Itai Marom
    PhD Thesis: Practical Matters: Rational Human Agents in the Making. (Moyar)
    Current Affiliation: Independent Scholar
  • Richard Teague
    PhD Thesis: On Wondering: The Epistemology of a Questioning Attitude. (Bledin)
    Current Affiliation: Teaching Fellow at Trinity College Dublin


  • Cara Cummings
    PhD Thesis: Aristotle’s Akratēs : Healing Morally Bad Character. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Lecturer at Morgan State University
  • Zachary Gartenberg
    PhD Thesis: Prospects for Nothing: Representing Nonbeing and the Metaphysics of Intentionality in Aquinas, Spinoza, and Leibniz. (Melamed)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, St. John’s College
  • Tammo Lossau
    PhD Thesis: “Knowledge First” and Its Limits. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the University of Bremen
  • Jason Yonover
    PhD Thesis: Hegel and Spinoza on Freedom and Right. (Melamed)
    Current Affiliation: Desai Family Postdoctoral Research Associate and Lecturer in Philosophy, Princeton University


  • Kathryn Brophy
    PhD Thesis: Thinking Human Animals: What We Are and How We Persist. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Lecturer, University of Colorado


  • Nikola Andonovski
    PhD Thesis: On Episodic Memory: Preservation, Reconstruction and Modeling. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Grenoble
  • Seunghwan Baek
    PhD Thesis: Kant’s Analogies of Experience. (Förster)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Gangneung-Wonju National University
  • Alexander Englert
    PhD Thesis: Evolving the Highest Good; A Study of a Kantian Ideal. (Förster)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Richmond


  • Anton Kabeshkin
    PhD Thesis: Hegel’s Anti-Reductionist Philosophy of Nature. (Förster)
    Current Affiliation: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Potsdam University, Germany
  • David Lindeman
    PhD Thesis: Representations of Mind. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Teaching Professor, Georgetown University
  • Joshua McBee
    PhD Thesis: Taking the Helm: Genealogical Debunking Arguments, Moral Realism, and the Possibility of Moral Knowledge. (Moyar)
    Current Affiliation: Deputy Director, Climate Advisers
  • Patrick O’Donnell
    PhD Thesis: Racialized Discourse at the Intersection of Meaning, Mind, and Metaphysics. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Oakton College, Chicago
  • Thomas Wilk
    PhD Thesis: Metaethics for Neopragmatists: A Pragmatic Account of Linguistic Meaning for Moral Vocabulary. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Widener University


  • Genco Guralp
    PhD Thesis: Evidence and Confirmation in Precision Cosmology: The Case of the Accelerating Universe. (Rynasiewicz)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
  • Adam Reid
    PhD Thesis: Veganism and the Ethics and Epistemology of Disagreement: A Neo-Pascalian Approach. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Policy analyst, Canadian Coast Guard/Fisheries & Oceans Canada


  • Arash Abazari
    PhD Thesis: Hegel’s Logic of Essence and the Ontology of Power in Capitalism. (Moyar)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor at Emory University
  • Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini
    PhD Thesis: Reasoning, Belief and the Quest for Truth. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Union College
  • Nicholas Goldberg
    PhD Thesis: Acts of Reference: An Essay on the Rational Powers of Proper Names. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Healthcare Writer, Recovery Centers of America
  • Jady Shi-Yu Hsin
    PhD Thesis: Achieving Our Law: Towards a Modern Legal Science. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Honors Attorney, United States Department of Labor
  • Sandy (Kolls) Koullas
    PhD Thesis: On the Value of Relationships. (Theunissen)
    Current Affiliation: Lecturer, University Writing Program, Johns Hopkins University
  • Josef Simpson
    PhD Thesis: Knowing How to Know: Competence and Epistemic Evaluability. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Academic Coach, The Catholic University of America


  • John Brandau
    PhD Thesis: Spinoza on Definition and Essence. (Melamed)
    Current Affiliation: Director for Research Administration Operations, Research & Economic Development, Morgan State University
  • Giorgi Lebanidze
    PhD Thesis: Hegel’s Transcendental Ontology. (Moyar)
    Current Affiliation: Lecturer, Western Connecticut State University


  • Michael Gentzel
    PhD Thesis: A Normative Framework for Analyzing Human Enhancement Technologies. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Instructor, West Chester University
  • Alexander James
    PhD Thesis: Neo-Aristotelian-Wittgensteinian Ontology: The Logical Form of the Proposition, Philosophical Explanation, and Categorial Thought. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Adjunct Instructor, Utah Valley University
  • Pavle Stonjanovic
    PhD Thesis: The Stoics and the Academics on the Apprehensive Impression. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade
  • John Waterman
    PhD Thesis: Shadows of Doubt: On the Psychological Foundations of the Skeptical Problem. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Teaching Professor, University of New England


  • James Dubik
    PhD Thesis: Waging War: Filling the Gap in Just War Theory. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Senior Fellow, Institute for the Study of War
  • Bryan Miller
    PhD Thesis: Scientific Psychiatry: A Novel Framework for Psychiatry Understood as a Branch of Medicine. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Senior Director, Collage Group


  • James Gilmore
    PhD Thesis: Instrinsic goods and their role in the good life in Plato. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions, Elon College
  • Jonathan Hricko
    PhD Thesis: A Defense of the Suppositionalist View of Hypothetical Entities. (Rynasiewicz)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Cherie McGill
    PhD Thesis: Agrippa’s fourth way Wittgenstein’s on Certainty and the epistemic regress argument. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor of Practice, Boston College
  • Nicolas Tebben
    PhD Thesis: Epistemic rights. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Towson University
  • Ru-Yu Karen Yan
    PhD Thesis: Consciousness, self, and self-consciousness. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


  • Julia Krause
    PhD Thesis: What non-conceptual content should be. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation:
  • Derek Leben
    PhD Thesis: Lexical semantics and its philosophical applications. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Teaching Professor of Business Ethics, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Patrick Leland
    PhD Thesis: Kant and the semantics of mental content (1755-1781). (Förster)
    Current Affiliation: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Loyola University New Orleans
  • Jeffrey Maynes
    PhD Thesis: Meaningful intuitions: The evidential role of intuitions in the study of language. (Gross)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, St. Lawrence University


  • David Jones
    PhD Thesis: Toward a particularist autonomy. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Senior Community Faculty, Metro State University


  • Ana Diaz
    PhD Thesis: The limits of reductive physicalism. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Montana State University-Billings
  • Victor Di Fate
    PhD Thesis: Real causes for revision: Scientific methods in the so-called vera causa tradition. (Achinstein)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Spring Hill College
  • Lisa Ievers
    PhD Thesis: Mind, nature, and normativity in Hume. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Teacher, Morristown-Beard School
  • Aaron Smith
    PhD Thesis: Aristotle on abstraction. (Bett)
    Current Affiliation: Instructor, Ayn Rand Institute (ARI)


  • Kimberlea Brinson Burke
    PhD Thesis: Making symbols, making worlds: Philosophical and historical reflections on scientific representation. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation:
  • Linda Brown
    PhD Thesis: Moral reflection, moral improvement. (Bok)
    Current Affiliation: Teacher, Horace Mann School
  • Michael Hicks
    PhD Thesis: The environment dependence of thought: An essay in the metaphysics of thought. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Miami University
  • Eric Morton
    PhD Thesis: Naturalism, normativity, and the space of reasons. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Enrollment Management, Georgia State University
  • Youngsup Park
    PhD Thesis: On Fodor’s concept nativism. (Rynasiewicz)
    Current Affiliation: University of Maryland Global Campus
  • Michael Perry
    PhD Thesis: Epistemology in the shadow of Pyrrhonism. (Williams)
    Current Affiliation: Administrative Judge, U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
  • Marius Stan
    PhD Thesis: Kant’s theory of motion: Metaphysical foundations of Leibnizian science. (Rynasiewicz)
    Current Affiliation: Associate Professor, Boston College
  • Oliver Thorndike
    PhD Thesis: Kant’s Transition Project in practical philosophy: From spontaneity to perception. (Förster)
    Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University Peabody Institute