The Department mourns the passing of our distinguished alumnus Tom Beauchamp. Information about Tom and his career can be found in the Washington Post obituary.
Department News Archive
Kraus’ Kant’s Ideas of Reason free to download (plus: video abstract)
Congratulations to Katharina Kraus, whose Cambridge Element Kant’s Ideas of Reason is now published online and free to download here for the next two weeks. You can view her video abstract here.
JHU in The Philosophical Gourmet Report
The department placed 16th in the newly released 2024-2025 ranking of PhD programs in philosophy. That’s a tremendous leap of 24 slots since Bill Miller’s transformative gift enabled our on-going expansion. […]
Immanuel Kant “Sapere Aude” Essay Competition
Congratulations to JHU undergrad Noël Da whose essay “Satire and the Privilege of the Underdog: Kant’s Solution to an Epistemological Challenge” won First Prize in the college section of the […]
Marc Friedman ’68 on “How Dr. Mandelbaum Changed My Life: The Transformative Power of Philosophy”
Read about undergraduate alumnus Marc Friedman’s reflections on his time as a JHU philosophy major.
Chaz Firestone wins Gittler Award!
Congratulations to Chaz Firestone, who has been awarded the Joseph B. Gittler Award for scholarly contributions to the philosophical foundations of psychological knowledge! More info here.
Graduate Student Shozo Kamiya in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Congratulations to Shozo Kamiya for the publication of his paper “Divine teleology in Spinoza’s thought: an underexplored side of Spinoza’s philosophical journey” in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy! […]
George Wilson 1942-2024
The Department mourns the passing of George Wilson, Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins from 1972 to 2000. Professor Wilson was greatly admired for his work in philosophy of action, […]
Jenann Ismael awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship
Congratulations to Jenann Ismael who has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship! Jenann continues a Department tradition, joining current colleagues Peter Achinstein, Sean Carroll, and David Velleman, and colleagues from our recent […]
Chaz Firestone on the Many Minds podcast
Professor Firestone discusses psychology, philosophy, and “The Borderlands of Perception” on the Many Minds podcast. Listen to it here